1 January

There’s not a lot to write about when you start the New Year in Tier 4.

I’ve always used New Year’s Eve to catch up on films that I missed at the cinema in the previous year. The previous year in this case being 2020 meant that list of films was substantially longer than usual.

In this case I actually only managed two, Soul and Ava, but I sandwiched them with Hamilton and Death To 2020 which in the circumstances seemed apposite.

Branching Out

I made more of an effort today starting with Spree (which I hadn’t been too fussed about having missed in the first place) and Saint Frances* which conversely I really regret not having seen at the cinema (not that I had the chance despite my best efforts)

I have two more days at home before I’m back to work so I hope to make more of a dent in that list and, who knows, maybe knuckle down to #abcdvd once again…

*I learned more about periods in 101 minutes than I had in the previous 44 years.

Here we go again

I’m not a fan of New Years, I never really have been. One of my main objections is the expectation that some people seem to have of a single fixed calendar day marking a change point in their lives, the world, society, the universe…

That said, there’s a certain attraction in the first page of a diary or notebook* or calendar. And here I am, writing a blog post on 1 January…

*I say this as someone who’s harbouring something of a stationery addiction